Prague Schoolboys Turn in Lost Backpack with 10,000 Crowns to Police

In Prague, two 13-year-old schoolboys, Yahim and Bartolomey, found an abandoned backpack on the tram containing food and 10,000 crowns. The boys did the right thing by taking their find to the police.

The incident occurred last Monday in the city center. The police press service published a photograph of the schoolchildren. It held them up as an example to the younger generation and adult residents of the capital.

The police officers threw away perishable food from the backpack and handed it to the Lost Property Office. The owner can retrieve their belongings and money at Karolíny Světlé 5, Praha 1.

According to the Civil Code of the Czech Republic, the finder is entitled to a reward of 10% of the value of the find. However, if the lost item has value solely to the owner, then the owner determines the reward’s size.