President Petr Pavel Moves to Lumb Villa at Prague Castle

Facebook/Petr Pavel

President Petr Pavel and his wife have recently relocated their residence from Černouček to Lumb Villa at Prague Castle. This villa has been a traditional home for Czech presidents, previously occupied by Václav Klaus and Miloš Zeman. Before the current presidential couple moved in, some minor adjustments were made to the property to suit their needs.

After announcing their move on social media, President Pavel stated, “After many questions and speculations, it’s clear! Micka has finally moved to Lumb Villa. And she will allow us to share it with her. Hopefully, she will like her new residence.” The announcement also included photos of the president with his cat, Micka.

Originally, Petr Pavel planned to move to Lumb Villa during the summer, but the relocation happened recently. The villa underwent general maintenance, and the presidential couple purchased new furniture. Pavel mentioned that the villa’s environment felt somewhat gloomy and wanted to brighten it up. However, specific details about the modifications were not disclosed, with the president only mentioning that most of the furniture was from IKEA.

The primary reason for the move to Lumb Villa was to reduce the need to commute between Prague and Černouček in Litoměřice during the workweek. President Pavel hopes that the new residence will comfort him and his wife and facilitate the fulfillment of his presidential duties.

With this relocation, President Petr Pavel joins many Czech presidents who have utilized the Lumb Villa at Prague Castle. It is a symbolic location that remains a part of Czech political life and history.