Setting Energy Deposits According to Expected Consumption

In the energy supply world, monitoring and adjusting monthly energy deposits to match the expected consumption is crucial. This requirement applies not only when entering into a new energy supply contract but also during price adjustments in existing contracts. The law states that the amount of these deposits should correspond to the anticipated energy usage, considering historical consumption at the specific location and the evolving energy prices.

According to Eduarda Hekšová, the director of the consumer organization dTest, “The number of energy deposits for electricity, gas, or thermal energy must be set within the range of reasonably anticipated consumption for the subsequent settlement period.”

Each energy consumption point has a different reading date. When switching energy suppliers, it is necessary to consider higher deposits for shorter settlement periods that overlap with the heating season. For example, if a consumer switches to a new supplier on November 1st and the distributor takes the reading in mid-April, it is advisable to negotiate double the deposit compared to the deposit set for the entire year, primarily if the consumer relies heavily on the particular energy source.

Tips for Saving Energy During the Heating Season

To avoid unreasonably high deposits, it is recommended to contact the energy supplier and adjust the deposits according to the expected consumption. As an argument, consumers can use the estimate of their annual energy consumption and calculations based on the supplier’s pricing schedule. The Energy Regulatory Office provides a helpful calculation table on its website titled “How to Check Your Energy Deposits”.

Consumers can better manage their energy costs and avoid significant under or overpayments by ensuring that energy deposits align with expected consumption. It is essential to stay informed and take proactive steps to optimize energy usage and minimize financial burdens.

This article highlights the importance of adjusting energy deposits based on expected consumption and provides practical tips for consumers to save energy during the heating season. By staying proactive and informed, consumers can control their energy expenses and make environmentally conscious choices.