Pro-Palestinian Supporters March Through Prague in Response to Pro-Israel Rally

Stanislava Benešová

Pro-Palestinian supporters took to the streets of Prague recently in response to a pro-Israel rally organized by the Federation of Jewish Communities. The rally, titled “Together for Israel,” was held at Prague’s Old Town Square. It aimed to show support for Israel and highlight the increasing instances of anti-Semitism worldwide. The Czech Prime Minister, Petr Fiala, was among the speakers at the event.

The Association of Friends of Palestine responded by organizing a counter-demonstration at Wenceslas Square before marching through Prague via the Old Town Square and the Government Office on Klárov. The demonstration was peaceful, with the participants committed to not disrupting the pro-Israel event with noise.

During the pro-Israel rally, the Czech Prime Minister voiced his condemnation of the brutal attacks carried out by the Hamas terrorist movement on October 7. He emphasized Israel’s right to defend its citizens and highlighted his recent visit to Israel, where he expressed support to the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu.

The pro-Palestinian supporters, on the other hand, silently protested with banners. Some participants painted their hands with fake blood, symbolizing the victims in Gaza. They called for objective reporting about Palestine and Israel, a sentiment echoed by the demonstrators at Wenceslas Square.

The Czech Republic has had a long-standing close relationship with Israel. Prime Minister Fiala reiterated this relationship during his speech, stating, “The Czech Republic will be the voice of Israel in Europe.” As the pro-Palestinian supporters marched through Prague, it was clear that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict continues to evoke strong reactions worldwide.