The Proposed Prague Cable Car Raises Parking Concerns

Vizualizace William Matthews Associates

The proposed high-capacity cable car system connecting Prague 6 and Prague 8 has raised many contradictory opinions, especially concerning parking. These concerns were voiced at a public hearing held to assess the environmental impacts (EIA) of the cable car project. The project, funded by the Prague Transportation Company, aims to supplement the existing public transportation system in Prague and provide an emission-free link between Prague 6 and Prague 8.

Jaroslav Bosák, the EIA documentation processor, illustrated the current situation, saying, “I spent at least half an hour in the car, zigzagging from one bank to another.” However, the new cable car system, expected to be operational in two years, could alleviate this issue.

The proposed cable car system, which would require five towers ranging in height from 30 to 50 meters and three minimally invasive stations, was previously estimated to cost 1.5 billion crowns. One of these stations would even provide a new entrance to the zoo.

However, some city districts and associations have raised objections. Prague 6 and Prague-Troja have expressed concerns about parking near the cable car. As there is no proposed parking lot in the already-congested Podbaba, the cable car, if it becomes the main route to the zoo, could overwhelm the access roads, according to Prague 6.

As a result, Prague 6 previously decided, according to councilor Petr Palacký (Greens), that it would support the construction of a bridge over the Vltava and the extension of the tram over it to Bohnice. A similar stance was earlier adopted by Deputy Mayor Zdeněk Hřib (Pirates).

Despite these concerns, the Prague Transportation Company, according to its head of surface transport, Jan Šurovský, welcomes the feedback. He believes the cable car system should alleviate car congestion in the city. He said, “Now you have to drive by car, Blanka. The cable car is emission-free.” He admitted that the spatial situation in Podbaba with parking and the transfer to the train, bus, and tram does not have a solution.

Despite the challenges, the former deputy mayor Adam Scheinherr (Prague to itself) emphasized the relatively undemanding and considerate construction, small spatial requirements, and the speed of connection between Prague 6 and 8. He added, “It is a cable car system that we do not have in the Czech Republic yet, but is used in cities due to low noise.” Parking garages could be in Prague 6 and 8, according to him. He called for more debates to be held.