Public Trust in the Government and the President Increases, and Dissatisfaction with the Political Situation Remains

Public trust in the President, the government, and both chambers of parliament have slightly increased compared to last autumn. According to a survey by the Centre for Public Opinion Research (CVVM), 54 percent of people trust the head of state, a fifth trust the government and the Chamber of Deputies, and 32 percent of respondents trust the Senate. All these institutions improved their public perception by two to three percentage points.

Despite this, satisfaction with the political situation remains at a record low. Like last autumn, one in ten people declare they are satisfied. The dissatisfied respondents have decreased from 69 to 65 percent since the last survey. The remaining people have ambivalent feelings.

The most trusted constitutional institutions remain the mayors and municipal councilors, who are trusted by 66 and 62 percent of respondents, respectively. Regional governors enjoy the trust of 45 percent of people, and 44 percent of people trust regional representatives.

At all the institutions surveyed, trust shows a significant positive correlation with satisfaction with the political situation, satisfaction with personal life, evaluation of the economic situation in the Czech Republic, and evaluation of the living standard of one’s own household. Trust in the President, the government, and parliament increases with the level of education and household income achieved and, conversely, decreases with age.

Unsurprisingly, voters of government parties more often trust the President, cabinet, and parliamentary chambers. In contrast, opposition supporters are significantly more critical. People who refuse to participate in elections view all institutions as worst.

The survey was conducted from January 26 to March 11 and involved 966 people.