Severe thunderstorms threatened into the evening

Meteorologists have warned of severe thunderstorms that will hit parts of the Czech Republic on Tuesday. They will last until about 8 pm. They will move through the south and east of the country.

“Strong thunderstorms are expected, especially with short-term totals of around 50 mm. In combination with the rain into which the thunderstorms will change, up to 70 mm may fall sporadically,” the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (ČHMÚ) said.

At the same time, the soil is saturated from previous rains, so there is a risk of streams being swollen.

A warning of powerful storms is in force for parts of the Pardubice Region, Vysočina, Olomouc, Moravian-Silesian, Zlín, and South Moravian Regions. A lower level of warning is in force for southern Bohemia. The west and northwest of the country should avoid the storms.