Shocking Property Tax Increase in Czech Republic

The property tax in the Czech Republic has shocked many, with some paying up to five times more than last year. The tax hike has occurred due to the government’s consolidation package, resulting in an average increase of 80% in taxes. However, the increase was fivefold for some, amounting to several thousand crowns.

The property tax increase has not only been a surprise but has also led to discontent among many. In Ceske Budejovice, a resident reported that their tax for a 3+1 apartment went up from 742 crowns to 1250 crowns. Similarly, the tax for their cottage in Sveradice increased from 340 crowns to 698 crowns.

Citizens are upset, especially because they bought and maintained their properties themselves without any contribution from the state. Now, they have no other choice but to pay the increased tax. The tax increase has been applied across the board, even in areas lacking schools, services, and shops.

The state tax has tripled in Mlada Boleslav, one of the areas with the highest coefficients. People’s taxes have increased by about eighty per cent. The tax has increased from over fifteen hundred to just under three thousand crowns for a three-room apartment in the city centre and a garage.

Despite the distress caused by the property tax increase, the government appears to be considering further increases. However, this decision is under debate and expected to be discussed in September, when the tax might be slightly reduced.

The property tax increase in the Czech Republic has caused an uproar among citizens. With the government considering further increases, only time will tell how this situation will unfold.