Smog Troubles the Entire Moravian-Silesian Region: Meteorologists Issue Warning

The Czech Hydrometeorological Institute has declared a smog situation throughout the Moravian-Silesian region. More than half of the monitoring stations in this region have recorded high concentrations of airborne dust.

The worst situation, according to meteorologists, is in Ostrava and Karvinská. Residents are advised to avoid significant outdoor activity and significantly strenuous physical exertion. The warning is particularly applicable to seniors, young children, and individuals with chronic respiratory issues and heart disease.

To reduce the strain on air quality, people are encouraged to utilize public transportation more frequently and avoid using personal vehicles.

“At least on half of the stations representing this region, the twelve-hour rolling average of suspended PM10 particle concentrations has exceeded the informational threshold value of 100 micrograms per cubic meter, and a decline below this value is not expected in the 24-hour outlook,” meteorologists said.

The smog situation has been declared until further notice. So far, no smog regulation has been announced in any part of this region.