Spring in the Middle of February Continues

The hot winter in the Czech Republic is set to continue, with temperatures sometimes rising above 10 degrees Celsius. Meteorologist Dagmar Honsová explains that this is due to the prevailing oceanic circulation over the Czech Republic, which brings abundant cloud cover and rain. As a result, the weather for the second week of February will resemble that of April rather than a typical winter month.

On Saint Valentine’s Day, however, morning temperatures may fall below zero, and freezing fogs can occasionally be formed. “The fact that it’s winter here will perhaps only be reminded by Wednesday morning when temperatures will fall to -2 degrees Celsius in the early minimums, and freezing fogs will occasionally form,” says Honsová.

On Monday, the weather will be overcast with occasional rain, and it will snow on the tops of the mountains. Daily temperatures will range between 6 and 10 degrees Celsius, but in South Moravia, they may rise to 12 degrees Celsius. Similar conditions are expected on Tuesday, with overcast skies, occasional rain, and snowfall in mountainous areas.

Wednesday morning will bring partial sunshine and occasional freezing fog. The skies will be overcast throughout the day with occasional showers, which may turn into snowfall in the mountains. Morning temperatures will drop between 2 and -2 degrees Celsius, while daily temperatures will range between 5 and 9 degrees Celsius.

The overcast weather will return on Thursday, accompanied by occasional showers, which may temporarily turn into snowfall in the mountains. Morning temperatures will range between 6 and 2 degrees Celsius, while daytime temperatures will rise to 8 and 12 degrees Celsius.