Stop Stav: Czech Ministries Hiring New Employees Minimally

In a significant part of the state administration, there is a “stop stav” (hiring freeze) for new employees. According to Právo, if hiring someone is necessary, it can only be done as an exception. Some ministries deny this, but it was confirmed by Minister of Agriculture Marek Výborný (KDU-ČSL) in response to a direct question.

Consolidating the State Budget

“In a situation where we need to consolidate the state budget and find areas to save, it must not only be about revenues, but we must first learn to save ourselves,” said the minister.

“I have given a clear instruction that at this moment, there is a hiring freeze for new employees, or in cases that are justifiable, it can only be done based on the minister’s directive and decision,” he added.

Pavel Bednář, the head of the Trade Union of State Bodies and Organizations, also confirmed the information. He said, “Unofficially, I know that this directive exists,” acknowledging that it may cause difficulties for existing employees. There are often vacant positions where selection procedures are announced, and employees are needed, but no one is hired. As a result, the remaining employees have to take on their workload.

Exceptions for Parents

The Ministry of the Interior also confirmed the hiring freeze for central authorities. “The suspension of filling vacant positions at the Ministry of the Interior was decided at a management meeting, effective from August 1,” said Hana Malá, the ministry’s spokesperson.

Exceptions on the ministry include positions of executives and managers, positions systemized for a specific period, and positions replacing employees on maternity or parental leave. “An exception to the suspension of filling positions, which is decided by the state secretary at the Ministry of the Interior, may also apply to positions of indispensable activities, such as assistant positions,” added Malá.

No Official Knowledge

Spokespersons from the Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Labor, and the Office of the Government deny the official existence of the directive. “Efficiency of state administration is one of the government’s key priorities, and the coalition has agreed on the commitment to reduce the costs of operating individual offices. However, the government has not regulated the non-hiring of new employees in state administration. It is up to the discretion of individual ministries to decide how to streamline the operation of offices and reduce expenses,” said Tereza Fojtová of the press department of the Ministry of Education.

Nevertheless, even the ministries that questioned the official existence of the directive are working to limit the number of officials. According to the budget proposal, the amount allocated for salaries is expected to be reduced by approximately five billion Czech crowns by two percent. “We will implement measures that will streamline managerial and administrative activities. As a result, there should be a reduction in the number of positions,” said Miluše Trefancová from the Ministry of Industry.

This hiring freeze in Czech ministries reflects the government’s commitment to consolidate the state budget and reduce expenses. While some churches deny the existence of official directives, others acknowledge the need to streamline their operations and limit the number of officials. As discussions continue, it remains to be seen how these measures will impact the functioning of the state administration.