Survey Shows Czechs Interested in Switching to Green Electricity But Held Back by Government Unpreparedness

A new survey conducted by STEM/MARK for the Czech Association of Photovoltaic Industry has revealed that over 56% of Czechs are considering switching to green electricity in the near future. However, most respondents (63%) stated that the lack of government support and incentives prevents them from making the switch.

The survey also showed that many Czechs are uninformed about the options available in the current electricity market, with 54% of respondents admitting they lacked knowledge. Furthermore, 51% of respondents stated they lacked trust in the market.

The survey results highlight the need for more excellent government support and education on the benefits and options available in the renewable energy sector. The Czech Association of Photovoltaic Industry has called on the government to introduce tax incentives and rebates to encourage households to switch to green electricity.

Despite these challenges, the Czech Republic has been making steady progress in using solar energy in recent years. In 2021, the country ranked seventh in the European Union regarding newly installed photovoltaic capacity.