The Czech Republic will be covered with snow. Up to 30 centimeters will fall, meteorologists warn

German meteorologists warn that snow is rushing into central Europe. The most December snow in 12 years is expected to fall in the next few days. More than 30 centimeters of snow should fall in the northeast of the Czech Republic and up to 20 centimeters in lower altitudes, meteorologist Dagmar Honsová said.

The snowfall first hit the northern regions of Germany on Thursday afternoon. Zora, the low-pressure system, was responsible for the precipitation. It will gradually move southward. On Friday, up to 10 centimeters of fresh snow will fall in the Black Forest and the Swabian Alba Mountains. The German weather service expects the heaviest snowfall over the weekend when another low-pressure system called Birgit will start to affect the weather.

Feeling well below freezing

In the Czech Republic, the heaviest snow will fall on Sunday and Monday. A deep area of low pressure from the Mediterranean will begin to affect the area. This is where this low pressure will pick up moisture and bring heavy snowfall.

“Snow will mainly fall in the northeast of the country. Up to 30 centimeters of snow is expected to fall in mountainous areas and around 20 centimeters in lower elevations. There will also be fresh winds, which means the risk of snow tongues and drifts,” Hons said.

From Sunday on, we also need to prepare for cold weather with persistent frost during the day. “As the extra wind blows, we will feel very far below freezing,” Hons said.

Because of the cold temperatures, the snow cover will hold throughout next week.