The Dominance of ANO in Recent Polls: What Does It Mean for the Czech Republic?

The political landscape in the Czech Republic is witnessing drastic changes, with the current polling data suggesting that the ANO movement would emerge victorious if the parliamentary elections were held today. With a whopping 35% of votes, the ANO party leads the polls. The ODS party follows with 15.5% votes, and SPD and Pirates stand at 9.5% each. These statistics, as per the Kantar model for ČT, provide a glimpse into the current political preferences of the Czech electorate.

The ruling parties, ODS, TOP 09, and KDU-ČSL, if they were to contest as the Spolu coalition like in the past elections, would garner 22.5% of voters’ preference. ANO would still top the charts with 35.5% votes in this scenario. Currently in opposition, the ANO party has improved its standing since November by half a percentage point, while ODS enjoys three points better in the current survey.

On the other hand, the Pirates have seen a decrease of two percentage points. The SPD movement has also weakened by half a percentage point since November. Starostové would also make it to the Chamber of Deputies with a gain of 6.5%, while TOP 09 is teetering on the five-percent threshold.

According to the model, other groupings would fall below the threshold needed for entry into the Chamber of Deputies. The closest to the threshold is Social Democracy (SOCDEM), with a four percent gain. The People’s Party and the Přísaha movement would get half a percentage point fewer votes. The model assigns three percent to the Communists and 2.5 percent to the Free Party.

The Kantar agency’s survey included 1,013 respondents between January 15 and February 2. If the ANO movement wins the election, Andrej Babiš has expressed his desire to become the prime minister. He confirmed this in a television program on Prima.

In conclusion, the current political climate in the Czech Republic, as per the recent survey by Kantar for ČT, shows 22% satisfaction among the people. This is an increase from 16% in November of last year, the lowest since the beginning of tracking.