The Number Of Unemployed People Aged 20 to 34 Increased Last Year

Last year, the number of unemployed adults aged 20 to 34 grew even higher. Southern European countries have historically been the hardest hit by youth unemployment, with the established economies of the Netherlands and Sweden faring the worst. According to the report, Czechia is also doing well.

In 2020, 17.6% of young people aged 20 to 34 in the European Union were unemployed or enrolled in school. This is a 1.2 percent gain over the previous year.

According to Eurostat data, the Czech Republic has the lowest unemployment rate among young men. The data indicates that there are several times more young women unemployed in the Czech Republic, but the study does not account for maternity and parental leave.

The unemployment rate for young individuals under the age of 34 has been declining since 2013. As a result, 2020 marks the first time in seven years that the number of unemployed has climbed. In comparison to 2019, there was an increase in all three examined age groups. According to the poll, “this abrupt change reflects the economic crisis connected with the covid-19 epidemic.”

Every year, the 20-24 age group has the lowest number of persons who do not study or work. This is because a large proportion of students at this age continue their study at institutions. The category of 25-29 years is, on the other hand, the worst.

Between the ages of 20 and 34, 21.5 percent of women were unemployed, whereas 13.8 percent of men were unemployed and enrolled in school. The disparities between male and female unemployment, on the other hand, vary significantly from one EU Member State to the next.

The Czech Republic (5.6 percent of young males) and the Netherlands have the lowest unemployment rates in the European Union (9.5 percent of young women). Italy, on the other hand, had the highest numbers (24 percent) for both men and women (35 percent).

In every country, the proportion of women without a job, education, or training was higher than that of males. This is largely due to maternity leave in the Czech Republic, which lasts 28 weeks for single births and 37 weeks for multiple births. Following maternity leave, parents can take up to four years of parental leave.