There are no frosty days on the horizon

The next four weeks will be average in terms of temperature and precipitation, meteorologists from the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (ČHMÚ) said in their outlook. Daytime temperatures will repeatedly rise above zero in the current week, and no change is expected in the following weeks.

The outlook covers the four weeks from February 13 to March 12. While the first week should be borderline average to above average in temperature, the next three weeks can be expected to be moderate.

“We expect the weekly averages of the lowest nighttime temperatures to be around 0 °C in the first week of the forecast and around -2 °C in the next three weeks. We expect the weekly averages of the highest daytime temperatures to be around +6 °C in all four weeks of the forecast,” meteorologists said.

In terms of precipitation, the individual weeks will be average to slightly below average.

The current week will be marked by temperature inversions, with fog and low clouds in the lowlands and clear skies in the mountains. Nighttime temperatures will drop to zero. Meteorologists expect daytime highs to be between two and six degrees Celsius, rising to ten degrees in the sun. The skies will become overcast by the middle of the week, with rain and snow in the mountains, and it will warm up to 12 degrees by the end of the week.