Wanting To Go For A Swim In Nature? Where Is It Clean And Which Places To Avoid?

According to health officials, bathing conditions in the Czech Republic are mostly good, with only a few places showing a slight deterioration in water quality.

A bathing ban was issued because of microbiological pollution at the artificial swimming pool at the Eden recreational facility in Jinolice in the Jičín region.

Health problems threaten people after swimming in the Brušperk reservoir in the Frýdek-Místek region. The water is also unsuitable for bathing in Nový rybník in the Příbram region, where health officials suspect cercariae, infectious larvae that cause skin problems. Hradištko swimming pool in the Kolín region is rated as the third of five risk levels.

Hygienists therefore advise that people should ideally take a shower after bathing. “However, people with reduced immunity, people with allergies, small children or pregnant women are strongly advised to always take a shower after bathing,” the Regional Sanitary Station says on its website.

In other natural reservoirs, the water remains suitable for bathing, although in some places its quality is slightly worse than last week. Up-to-date information can be found easily on the website of the Ministry of Health. Individual icons will tell you whether the water is safe for bathing. It also includes a summary of how water quality changes over the course of the measurement.