Willingness to Change Careers Increases Amongst Czech Population

A recent survey by the STEM agency reveals that many Czechs are open to changing their field or undergoing requalification if they face the risk of losing their jobs. In fact, more than half of the respondents expressed a willingness to work for a lower wage in such a circumstance, with a third willing to relocate to a different region.

According to STEM analyst Kateřina Duspivová, many individuals are hesitant to accept a lower wage because they simply cannot afford it. She notes, “The financial situation of Czech households hasn’t been very favorable in recent years.”

The fear of unemployment is prevalent among 39% of the productive-age respondents, with people nearing retirement and those in poor financial situations being the most fearful. However, these numbers represent some of the lowest figures, marking a positive trend.

A key finding from the long-term perspective is that 89% of Czech men and women are prepared to work in a different field in the event of impending unemployment. “We should take advantage of this in the age of artificial intelligence,” Duspivová emphasized.

The willingness to change jobs has significantly increased over the last three years, with 82% of respondents in 2021 expressing this sentiment, up from levels last seen in 2014. On the contrary, the willingness to accept a reduction in salary if an employer threatens dismissal has decreased. Only 59% of respondents were open to this option at the end of May, down from 73% in 2020. However, 37% of individuals would have no issue relocating to a different region.

Unemployment in May fell to 3.6%, with 274,322 individuals out of work, 5,756 fewer than in April.