Winter comes to the Czech Republic

The pleasant autumn season is over. The end of the week will bring below-average temperatures, snow, and ice, meteorologist Dagmar Honsová said. She warned that drivers should not take to the roads this weekend without winter gear.

The weather in the Czech Republic will be influenced by a frontal boundary separating cold air over northeastern Europe from warm air in the southwest.

It will bring a noticeable chill to the northeastern part of the territory as early as Thursday. The day will be cloudy to overcast skies, with rain or showers in some places during the day and possible snow in the mountains. In the territory’s northeast, there will be temporary snow or rain with snow at about 400 m above sea level. Temperatures will be mainly between 4 and 8 °C, with temperatures in the northeast of the territory below 4 °C.

The weather is expected to be similar on Friday. However, temperatures should go even lower. It should be cloudy to overcast, with rain or showers during the day and snow gradually falling from 500 meters above sea level, with snow in the lowlands in the northeast. Morning temperatures range from 3 to -1 degrees Celsius. Daytime temperatures range from 2 to 6 °C, with the northeast experiencing temperatures of around 1 °C.

Saturday will be cloudy to overcast, with scattered rain or showers, snow from the mid-latitudes, and snow in the north and east. Morning temperatures range from 2 to -2 °C, reaching -7 °C in the northeast—temperatures during the day range from -3 to 1 °C.

Sunday will be cloudy to partly cloudy, with occasional rain, snow, or sleet. Temperatures in the morning ranged from -2 to -6 °C. Daytime temperatures range from -1 to 3 °C.

Similar weather will prevail on Monday. It should be cloudy to overcast, with occasional rain and snow from the midlands. Morning temperatures range from -1 to -5 degrees Celsius. Daytime temperatures range between 1 and 5 °C.

Tuesday will be cloudy to overcast, with rain and snow showers from the middle to upper elevations. Temperatures in the morning ranged from 0 to -4 °C. Temperatures during the day range from 2 to 6 °C.

Wednesday will be cloudy to overcast, with rain in some places and snow showers from higher elevations. Morning temperatures range from 1 to -3 degrees Celsius—temperatures during the day range from 3 to 7 °C.