A hidden fire outbreak over Hřensko

Ondřej Hájek

One of the hidden fireplaces above Hřensko burst into flames overnight. Firefighters are working to extinguish it, their spokesman, Martin Kavka, said on Friday morning.

It is the thirteenth day of the fire in the Bohemian Switzerland National Park. At night, firefighters conducted a drone survey in the northern part of the area. Outbreaks are still appearing there. There are about 440 hectares on fire.

Overnight, the firefighters regrouped their forces and resources closer to the places where the outbreaks were occurring. No one was injured during the night. However, high temperatures are making it difficult for firefighters to intervene. Rescuers have to rotate more often, which is why there are about 1,000 rescuers in Bohemian Switzerland.

According to meteorologists, temperatures are expected to climb to 31 degrees on Friday. In the afternoon and evening, they expect isolated thunderstorms accompanied by hail or gusty winds.

Firefighters will again send helicopters in a so-called train, flying in a row and dropping water only on one specific place, i.e., in large quantities. The tactic worked well on Thursday.

On the other hand, the rappelling of specially trained helicopter climbers to scout for hidden outbreaks in the hard-to-reach terrain around the Pravčická Gate failed, with the helicopters fanning the explosions.

The climbers will try to get off the ground there on Friday. Their task will be to cut a path and possibly create a refueling station for helicopters.