A married couple found a purse with 100,000 CZK in Hodonín

Photo: Milan Malíček, Právo

Honest people can still be found on the streets of the Czech Republic. Owners of a lost handbag found this out in the past few days when a married couple returned it to them. A purse was inside the bag and contained 100,000 CZK.

The couple noticed the abandoned handbag on Sunday night in a town in the Hodonín region. When they looked inside, they were astonished. Not only were there documents and credit cards, but also 100,000 CZK in cash.

“They immediately called the police that took over the case. On Monday, after checking all the circumstances, the handbag with the money was handed over to the rightful owners,” said police spokesman Pavel Šváb. He added that the owners had requested contact with the married couple, and they were likely to be rewarded for their honesty.