A second train with Czech military aid left for Ukraine

Armáda ČR

The Czech Republic has sent a second train of aid to Ukrainian fighters. The Czech army announced on Twitter on Monday morning without further details. The footage released by the military shows the night departure of the train with a total of 13 carriages, mostly covered wagons.

Due to the increasing tension in relations between Ukraine and Russia, the government of Prime Minister Petr Fiala (ODS) decided at the end of January that the Czech Republic would donate artillery ammunition to Ukraine. This includes 4,000 artillery shells of 152 mm caliber.

On Saturday, Czech Defence Minister Jana Černochová (ODS) announced that the Czech Republic would also donate 30,000 pistols, 7,000 assault rifles, 3,000 machine guns, several dozen sniper rifles, and approximately one million rounds of ammunition to Ukraine for a total of CZK 188 million. On Sunday, the army reported that the first train with weapons from the Czech Republic was already being unloaded at its destination.

The following delivery of military equipment worth the government-approved CZK 400 million at an emergency meeting on Sunday. The ministers did not want to specify the composition of the delivery, saying only that it was not light weapons.

“This is a different type of weapons than what we approved last time, these are not light weapons, but things that the Ukrainian nation can use to defend itself,” Prime Minister Fiala said on Sunday. But he did not want to be more specific for security reasons.