Asekol was the first to meet the conditions for collecting e-waste according to the new law

The Asekol collective system was the first in the Czech Republic to meet the conditions set by the new legislation for operating a collective system for the take-back of electrical equipment. It is the only one to have obtained authorization from the Ministry of the Environment (MoE) for the collection of e-waste, which collective systems must have from January 2023 to carry out their activities.

The new End-of-Life Products Act, effective from 2021, has significantly modified the operating conditions for collective take-back systems.

At the same time, collective schemes must fulfill the legal conditions for obtaining a new license by the end of this year. Under the current situation, existing collective schemes have a so-called “temporary authorization” to operate.

The new law specifies more strictly the legal requirements for the operation of collective schemes, including the form of the application for operation. In particular, it specifies, for example, recycling education.

Existing legislation in the electrical equipment sector does not practically force collective schemes or producers to carry out awareness-raising activities. The proposed legislation, therefore, makes it mandatory for all operators of collective schemes to carry out awareness-raising activities.

Asekol received the authorization to operate a collective scheme at the end of June following a decision by the Ministry of the Environment. “We have prepared thoroughly for obtaining the new license, and we are glad that our clients can rely on us in the future,” said Jan Vrba, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Asekol.

Applications by the end of the year

Collective system operators have until the end of this year to submit applications to the Ministry of Environment. They can operate collective schemes under the old law until a decision on the applications is made.

“Some operators of collective schemes have already submitted their applications for this year. The MoE has already decided on one application and is authorized to operate a collective scheme under the law. Other applications are currently under consideration. The MoE expects the remaining operators to submit their applications between September and December this year,” said MoE spokesperson Dominika Pospíšilová.

She confirmed that Asekol had received the authorization. There are now 15 collective systems in the Czech Republic, according to the MoE.

Among the new waste law conditions that collective systems must meet are transparent handling of entrusted capital, including a prohibition on securing other people’s debts or providing loans, credits, or donations from collected contributions; meeting stricter collection quotas; or maintaining a financial guarantee in the form of a deposit of 20% of annual costs in a restricted account.