The price of new flats and older units in good condition did not end last year either. However, sales were ...

A new rector at Mendel University in Brno will be headed by Deputy Minister of Education and former minister for ...

Traffic on the line, which is now the main link between Prague and Brno, was reopened on Sunday at around ...

Czech pilots have been flying Swedish Gripen fighters for seventeen years. In five years, the leases on all fourteen of ...

No agreement has yet been signed with Poland on compensation for the consequences of mining in the Turów brown coal ...

Of all the impacts of climate change, water management problems are currently the biggest problem for Czech municipalities and regions. ...

The share of renewable energy in the European Union’s total electricity consumption will increase to 37.5 percent in 2020 from ...

About 300 people are demonstrating in front of the House of Commons against the approval of the government’s amendment to ...

A few countries have started a partial evacuation of their embassy employees from Ukraine due to potential military action from ...

President Miloš Zeman on Monday signed an amendment that will freeze the salaries of all constitutional officials at last year’s ...