According to the new Minister of Labor and Social Affairs, Marian Jurečka (KDU-ČSL), the new government will respect November’s decision ...

Prague paramedics and police responded to a call for a drunken man in Dělnická Street in Prague’s Holešovice district just ...

After his inauguration, the new Health Minister Vlastimil Válek (TOP 09) called on citizens not to meet at Christmas and ...

Tourists in the capital will pay more than double for the accommodation fee from January instead of the current CZK ...

On Wednesday, December 15, an autonomous train undertook a journey on the Czech railways for the first time. The trip ...

The capital city will manage revenues and expenditures of CZK 92.6 billion next year, which is up year-on-year. Approximately 19.68 ...

University students will debate current issues and the future direction of the European Union with experts in European affairs, diplomats, ...

Research showing the annual index for the quality of life in the Czech Republic was conducted by Obce v datech ...

At the European Council meeting on Thursday, December 16, EU foreign ministers will discuss the possible diplomatic boycott of the ...

The new vaccination center in the Kotva department store in Náměstí Republiky will cost the state millions of crowns a month, ...