Thousands of carp are brought in from the fish farms every year to end up on the plate at Christmas ...

On Wednesday, September 28, the Czech Republic celebrates Czech National Day. The national holiday is one of the days when ...

Prague City Hall is reopening the regional centre for refugees from Ukraine in Vysočany on Monday, which it closed in mid-June due ...

On Thursday evening, all four orangutans in the Prague zoo managed to escape from the pavilion for a few dozen ...

The protest in front of the House of Commons against the adoption of the pandemic law is expected to continue ...

A demonstration of about two thousand opponents of mandatory vaccination against COVID-19 passed through the center of Brno on Saturday. ...

Zdenka Jágrová is retiring as Prague’s chief hygienist. Zdeňka Shumová should become the new director of the Prague hygiene station ...

The new vaccination center in the Kotva department store in Náměstí Republiky will cost the state millions of crowns a month, ...

It is not even two weeks since Prime Minister Andrej Babiš has resigned. In his resignation, he urged his supporters ...

President Miloš Zeman, who tested positive for the coronavirus on Thursday, was tested for the disease after being in contact ...