Rising food, energy, and services prices are increasingly affecting Czech households’ lifestyles and purchasing behavior. The vast majority of people ...

The tax on banks’ extraordinary profits, proposed by the finance ministry, amounts to 60 percent of their net profits for ...

According to Fincentrum Hypoindex, the average offer rate for mortgages fell slightly for the second time in a row. The ...

The cabinet of Prime Minister Petr Fiala (ODS) confirmed the price cap on electricity and gas. Citizens will pay six ...

Budějovický Budvar will increase the price of beer on the Czech market by an average of ten percent from 1 ...

At the end of September, the state budget deficit rose to CZK 270.9 billion, from CZK 231.1 billion in August. ...

Pražská energetika (PRE) will discount households that reduce their electricity consumption year-on-year in winter. This is to motivate customers to ...

Electricity suppliers are already factoring in the savings tariff in people’s October prepayments. This will bring households an average saving ...

Domestic telecommunications companies earned CZK 41.82 billion for mobile services in 2018, a 2.6 percent increase from 2020. The average ...

The Czech economy grew by 3.7 percent in the second quarter of this year, according to revised Czech Statistical Office ...