Flats continue to get more expensive, and in some places, enormously. In the last quarter, prices in Ústí nad Labem ...

All balanced and dynamic participant funds of supplementary pension savings were profitable last year. On average, balanced funds appreciated their ...

In a new forecast, the Finance Ministry has downgraded its estimate of economic growth this year to 3.1 percent, down ...

Last year, industrial producer prices increased by 7.1% on average. It was the highest annual increase since 1995. In agriculture, ...

According to the Czech National Bank (ČNB), inflation in the Czech Republic will reach 9% in January. At the same ...

Direct payments to farmers will not have restrictions for large businesses, but smaller farmers will get a more significant share. ...

The Czech currency is the strongest against the euro in more than a decade. Today, it strengthened by seven cents ...

The Slovak Ministry of the Interior will buy the registration plates from the Czech company SPM, Security Paper Mill. Slovakia ...

The New Green Savings program, which offers people money to replace a boiler, insulate their home, build a photovoltaic power ...

The Czech economy is expected to grow by 3.9 percent next year, up from 2.5 percent. The economy could thus ...