Covid-19 Certificates Are Now Available For Download in Czechia

People can now download confirmation of a negative PCR test result, a past infection, or the confirmation of the first dose of vaccine. Downloading is possible at the vaccination portal for citizens on the website of the Institute for Health Information and Statistics (IHIS). This was stated by Minister of Health Adam Vojtech after a government meeting.

From Tuesday, the certificates are issued at Očko.Ú and recognized in seven countries. People can use them when traveling to neighboring countries with the Czech Republic such as Germany, Austria, Poland, Slovakia, as well as Hungary, Slovenia and Croatia. The Czech Republic has concluded a bilateral agreement with each country.

Each country, however, has its own set of guidelines for the duration of a negative test. The distance between the first and second immunization doses may differ from country to country.

The digital green certificate, a unified European system for the issuing and verification of immunization, testing, and disease certifications, must be granted directly by the EU through effective regulation. From July, a European document to facilitate cross-border travel is anticipated to be introduced.

According to Vojtech, the Czech Republic requires legal legislation to ensure that people can easily obtain this certificate and that their identification is validated in official registries before it is issued. A combination of an ID card, birth number, or electronic ID is currently being used to verify the validity of a certificate. In the future, certificates will be available at Czech Point counters.