Czech Police Announced a Reward of 1 Million CZK for Catching The Killer of a Russian Citizen in Prague

Criminal detectives in Prague have requested the public’s assistance in the investigation of a robbery that occurred in late 2019. A 51-year-old Russian man was murdered and his precious valuables stolen by an unknown criminal. The deceased’s family has offered a reward of one million crowns to anyone who can discover the killer.

On December 21, 2019, a murder occurred in the Prague-Stodůlky neighborhood. A 51-year-old Russian man was murdered in his own house by an unknown criminal. He then proceeded to take valuables such as rings, pendants, and a dagger.

“In the investigation of this case, forensic investigators were looking into a specific piece of evidence, which has not been confirmed, so now we are asking the public for help and publishing pictures of the stolen jewelry,” said police spokesman Jan Danek.

Information regarding the stolen property could be useful in catching the killer as well as tracking down another individual who used the victim’s credit card immediately after the theft.