Czech Castles and Lakes: A Weekend Getaway

Looking for a weekend escape from the hustle and bustle of city life? Look no further than the stunning Czech countryside, where you can explore historic castles and relax by tranquil lakes.

Start your adventure at the Orlik Dam, part of the Vltava Cascade, where you can take in the breathtaking views of the surrounding area. For those who love the outdoors, many activities exist, including fishing, boating, and swimming on the beautiful sandy beaches.

From there, head to the nearby Zvikov Castle, just over 100 kilometers away. While the journey can take over 90 minutes due to ongoing bridge construction, the stunning castle is well worth the trip. Be sure to take the introductory tour, which costs 420 korun per adult and 50 korun per child.

If you’re looking for a place to stay, consider the Pivovarsky Dvur Zvikov Hotel. While it can be a bit pricey at 3,500 korun per night, it offers comfortable accommodations and delicious meals.

But the highlight of your trip is sure to be the Orlik Castle, situated just a few meters above the dam. While the entrance fee may seem steep at 900 korun for a family ticket, it’s a small price for the castle’s stunning architecture and rich history.

After exploring the castle, take a relaxing ninety-minute steamboat ride with lunch. The experience will surely be the cherry on top of your weekend getaway.

While it’s certainly not a budget-friendly vacation, the stunning scenery and rich history of the Czech countryside make it well worth the expense. So why not pack your bags and set off for a weekend of adventure and relaxation?