Prague’s Newest Park: U Vody

Prague’s Holešovice neighborhood is set to get a new park! Located on the north bank of the Vltava River between the Holešovice port and the Barikádníků bridge, the new park, named U Vody, will be a place for recreation, sports, and community activities. The project was chosen from an urban landscape competition, and construction is set to begin this year, with completion expected in the first half of 2023.

Creating U Vody was a collaborative effort between the city and its residents. Locals were involved in the planning process from the beginning, with several participatory meetings held to gather feedback. The park will even be a part of the suburban park Trojská roklina, and the community chose its name.

A new park is not often constructed in the city center, so the residents of Holešovice are particularly excited about this development. What used to be an unsightly concrete parking lot has been transformed into a green space with an outdoor gym, and locals have already begun to use it for sports and recreation.

The winning project from the urban landscape competition, designed by the YYYY studio, was selected based on its ability to create a functional public space that could adapt to the community’s changing needs. The park will have places to sit and enjoy the river view, a network of paths leading to the water, and even a sensory pathway. It will also feature workout equipment and an outdoor study area.

U Vody will be connected to the existing pedestrian and bike path along the riverbank, creating a new cycling route leading to Stromovka Park and the city center. The park will be a part of the green belt around all of Holešovice and will incorporate new and existing access points to the river.

The park’s construction is expected to cost around 46.5 million CZK, with funding provided by external sources. A grant from the Norwegian and State Environmental Fund will provide 21 million CZK, with the City of Prague contributing 18 million CZK and Skanska 3.8 million CZK.

The park’s completion will be a significant milestone for the neighborhood, and residents are already looking forward to its opening. Prague’s newest park, U Vody, promises to be a beautiful and functional public space that will be a hub for community activities and recreation for years.