Danuše Nerudová Announces Candidacy for European Parliament Elections

Petr Hloušek

Danuše Nerudová, economist and former presidential candidate, has announced her bid to run in the European Parliament elections next year. She will be running as the leader of the STAN movement in the elections, along with deputy chairman Jan Farský.

Nerudová has been negotiating with several political parties for the past few weeks to find the right partners to fight for critical reforms, better lives, and equal opportunities regardless of background. She believes that the STAN movement has much in common with her, including the protection of nature, support for rural areas, and equal rights for all.

“I perceive the European Union as the most successful joint project on our continent since World War II, but I also realize that the European Union and its institutions need reforms,” said Nerudová. She believes they will prepare a European program to push Czechia and the Union forward.

Nerudová’s announcement has been met with enthusiasm from the STAN movement. “We appreciate that Professor Nerudová has decided not to divide the liberal pro-European democratic forces, for example, by founding her party, and instead wants to unify these voices. She can help us build a convincing, confident European candidate,” said Vít Rakušan, the head of the movement.

The European Parliament elections will take place next spring. The STAN candidate in the elections will be called Starostové a osobnosti pro Evropu (Mayors and Personalities for Europe) and will be led by Jan Farský. The first ten candidates should be seven members of STAN and three personalities, with six Starostové in the second ten.

Nerudová’s candidacy presents an alternative to Andrej Babiš, who she believes is sowing anti-European sentiment in the country through fearmongering. She hopes to offer a clear option to Babiš and a strong voice in the European Parliament for Czechia.