Fiala: We froze hundreds of millions of Russian assets

Jan Handrejch

The Czech Republic has frozen hundreds of millions of crowns’ worth of assets of Russians subject to sanctions. On Sunday, Prime Minister Petr Fiala (ODS) said this in the program Václav Moravec’s Questions on Czech Television. He expects the Czech Republic to cope with the effects of the war next year. He does not want to abolish the government’s priorities, which stem from the program declaration, but only modify them.

“It will be long. No matter when the war ends,” Fiala said.

“We will be dealing with the consequences of the war not only this year, but I expect the whole of next year. I have no better news, “the prime minister added.

At the same time, however, he rejected the idea that the government would cancel some of the points of the government’s program declaration, mainly because of the economic consequences. “We will have to adjust them,” Fiala admitted, however.

The refugee wave is slowing down

According to the cabinet chief, the refugee wave from Ukraine related to the Russian invasion is slowing down and will continue to slow down if the conflict does not escalate.

Fiala told a summit in Brussels on Friday that 300,000 people have arrived in the Czech Republic since the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The prime minister referred to the fact that aid plans are currently being drawn up at the EU level and that funding from structural funds could be used. He pointed out that the Czech Republic alone can not cope with the wave of refugees from Ukraine.