Firefighters Step In to Handle Luggage at Prague Airport

In response to a critical shortage of baggage handlers, Prague’s international airport has enlisted the help of its on-site firefighters to manage the loading and unloading of passenger luggage. This temporary solution addresses the staff shortfall during the peak holiday season, ensuring that travelers experience minimal disruption to their journeys.

On a typical Sunday evening, a fire truck from the airport’s professional firefighting unit arrived at a Flydubai aircraft stationed at gate 12. Donning reflective vests marked “Firefighters,” several personnel began unloading luggage from the aircraft. This unusual scene was captured on video, highlighting the airport’s innovative handling of the issue.

The use of firefighters for baggage handling is described as an extraordinary measure. Airport spokesperson Klára Divíšková confirmed that this weekend was likely the last instance where the handling company requested assistance from firefighters. However, the firefighters’ involvement underscores the severity of the airport’s staffing crisis.

Prague Airport’s subsidiary, Czech Airlines Handling, has been grappling with a significant personnel shortage for several weeks. The lack of staff responsible for loading and unloading baggage and cargo has led to frequent delays, with some flights departing without passengers’ luggage. Consequently, travelers have had to endure arriving at their destinations without their essential belongings.

Flight delays continue to occur despite the current stabilization of the baggage handling situation. Divíšková assured that scheduled operations are being maintained thanks to airport colleagues’ support. She advised passengers to carry essential items in their hand luggage as a precaution.

Addressing the ongoing challenges, a new crisis manager, Jiří Jarkovský, will take over from August. Jarkovský expressed confidence in preventing the recurrence of recent incidents at Prague Airport. His immediate priority will be quickly reviewing existing operational measures and establishing efficient baggage handling procedures.

The involvement of firefighters in non-emergency roles such as baggage handling highlights the airport’s commitment to minimizing passenger disruption. As Prague Airport continues to navigate staffing challenges, innovative solutions like these play a crucial role in maintaining smooth operations.