Football Fans Flock to Prague for European Conference League Final

Football fans from Italy’s Fiorentina and England’s West Ham have been flocking to Prague since Monday for the final of the European Conference League at the Slavia Eden Stadium. The stadium can accommodate 18,000 spectators and is sold out, but many more are expected to travel to Prague for the event.

The match will be held at the Slavia Eden Stadium, and fans can watch it from two zones, one for each club. Workers have been busy building facilities for the fans at Letna Park and the Exhibition Grounds.

The city and organizers are trying to ensure that the fans of both clubs are separated, with Italian fans being directed to the stadium by train from Holešovice. In contrast, English fans will be directed mainly by Metro from Hradčanská.

The fan zones are set to open today, but rainy weather has complicated the work, with puddles and slippery surfaces around the area.

A security perimeter will be set up around the Vršovice stadium, and no events will take place to ensure that only ticket-holders will be allowed to enter. The city has also established traffic restrictions on several surrounding streets.

“We are aware that some of the measures taken may cause complications for some residents, and we apologize in advance for that. All parties involved have tried to minimize the impact on the daily lives of Prague residents. At the same time, we wanted to present Prague in the best possible light,” said Petr Šedivý, spokesperson for the organizing team.