Lidl Gets Rid of Trash Cans. Shopping Baskets Turn into Makeshift Trash Bins

Supermarket chain Lidl has gotten rid of waste bins at the entrance of their stores and replaced them with bins inside the store, where customers can sort various types of waste. The move comes after the company analyzed municipal waste and found that 84% of customer waste was recyclable. However, some customers still struggle to adjust to the new system, leaving trash in shopping baskets or around the basket stands.

Although Lidl spokesperson Tomáš Myler confirmed that the company’s goal was to reduce mixed waste to an absolute minimum, some customers are unaware of the new initiative or are too lazy to walk a few steps to the new bins. Myler emphasized that the company is committed to providing every store with the best and most comprehensive possible waste sorting options.

Currently, Lidl customers can return electronic equipment, batteries, fluorescent and incandescent bulbs, deposit-bearing packaging, and, in 95% of stores, paper, plastics, cans, and glass. The company hopes customers will get used to the new system and use the new bins more often.

However, some customers have voiced concerns that they must carry their waste throughout their shopping trip until they leave the store. In response, Myler stated that Lidl regularly removes trash and tries to prevent littering through customer communication.

Lidl’s goal of reducing waste is commendable, but transitioning to the new waste sorting system may take time for some customers. The company must continue educating customers about the new initiative to ensure its success.