MEPs are discussing this year’s budget in the opening round

Deputies will discuss this year’s state budget today. They will debate it in the first reading and should approve its basic parameters, i.e., revenues, expenditures, deficit, and the method of its settlement. The current five-coalition government of Petr Fiala (ODS) has submitted a budget deficit of CZK 280 billion. President Miloš Zeman is also due to comment on the budget today. He has spoken similarly about the budget in the Chamber of Deputies in the past.

The currently proposed deficit is CZK 97 billion lower than the original proposal of the former government of Andrej Babiš (ANO). However, the new government, which emerged from last year’s elections, presented lower spending and a lower deficit. That is why MPs are only now dealing with the budget, while in other years, the first reading usually comes in October.

As the Czech Republic has not had a budget since January 1, the state has been operating on a so-called provisional budget. It should end at the end of March.

The government wants to save money, for example, on operating costs or salaries. Given that the ruling coalition of the ODS, TOP 09, KDU-ČSL, Pirates, and Mayors has a majority of 108 votes in the lower house, it is expected to pass its first budget.