Modernization threatens the demise of traditional professions

The rapid emergence of modern technology may cause some jobs to cease to exist in the future. Waiters and cashiers, among others, are among the positions at risk. At the same time, it could give rise to entirely new professions.

“Humans are costly and, unlike machines, they make mistakes. Robotisation will affect, for example, people standing at assembly lines and workers in warehouses,” said Tomáš Prouza, chairman of the Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic.

People who work in the catering industry are also at risk. There are already catering companies with self-service taps at every table or the possibility of payment by QR code. But a skilled and wise waiter may be able to advise and sell customers better than an app. It’s that kind of added value that could save some of these places.

According to analysts, the robotization process does not necessarily lead to an increase in unemployment. “Especially in social services, a large number of jobs are opening up due to the aging population,” said Karina Kubelková of the Czech Chamber of Commerce. 

Bohumír Dufek, chairman of the Czech Independent Trade Unions, also points out that modernization will create completely new jobs. “Automatic machines will need human adjusters,” he added.