Over Half of Czechs Want Lower Budget Deficit, Survey Shows

According to a survey released on Sunday by the Kantar TNS agency, more than half of Czechs want a lower budget deficit. Fifty-seven percent of citizens believe this year’s state budget deficit, which amounts to 295 billion Czech crowns, should be lower. The survey was conducted between March 20 and April 6 and involved 1,200 respondents.

“More than half of the population believes the deficit should be reduced somehow, particularly by finding savings in the state budget. This opinion is more prevalent among older generations, people with higher education, and also, for example, among ODS or KDU-CSL voters,” said Pavel Ranocha, one of the survey’s authors.

Fifteen percent of those surveyed consider the level of debt to be reasonable. Meanwhile, 24 percent of respondents said this year’s state budget deficit could be higher than the approved 295 billion if the government directed more money toward people. “This opinion is more frequently expressed by ANO and KSČM voters or non-voters,” added Ranocha.