Park Na Solidarite in Prague 10 Reopens After Revitalization

On July 3, 2023, the northern section of Park Na Solidarite in Prague 10 reopened after undergoing revitalization based on a project selected by local citizens. The objective was to maintain the tranquil nature of the park so that it would best meet their needs. The improved recreational area will serve residents and visitors from other parts of Prague.

Additionally, the park has new public lighting that meets the latest standards in remote control and regulation for added safety. Radni Milan Marsalek, responsible for the environment and sustainability, stated, “I am pleased to introduce the public to Park Na Solidarite in its new form.

New paths have been built in the park, complemented by benches and tables for picnics in some places. We also did not forget to install a new drinking fountain, a source of refreshing relief in the summer months. For aesthetic reasons, bulbs have been planted in several places, which will be a significant element of the revitalized part of the park in the spring months.”

While only the northern part of the park has transformed so far, the city council wants to focus on the southern part as soon as possible. Marsalek also added that property rights have hindered the revitalization of the southern part, which they hope to resolve and initiate detailed design work soon.

The park’s significant component was the mature vegetation, which they managed to maintain and partly restore. However, several trees had to be removed, and the public was informed on-site. Two conifers were relocated, and 23 new trees were planted in the park. All trees received special treatment from a certified arborist.

As stated on the project’s website, urban studies dealing with the park’s transformation were prepared based on participation results. Three studios then took on the task of processing residents’ assignments, from which the public could choose their favorite. The winner was ultimately the proposal of Land05 Atelier, a garden and landscape architecture studio, which 46% of participants voted for.

The revitalization of Park Na Solidarite is part of the city’s overall adaptation measures to climate change, making it a contribution and good practice in blue-green infrastructure across the city. The total cost of the revitalization was 10.6 million Kč, with work starting in November last year as part of financial cooperation between the city and the capital. The latter contributed to the project with a previously granted subsidy of 5 million Kč.

This revitalization is an excellent example of how the community can unite to transform public spaces and preserve the environment for future generations.