People Aged 30-34 Will Be Able to Register for Vaccination Next Week

Registration for covid vaccination is open for people between 35 and 39 years old in the Czech Republic starting on Monday. People aged between 30 and 34 years will also be able to apply for vaccination on Tuesday at midnight.

It was not initially intended to open registration for people in their 30s. Health Minister Petr Arenberger said last week that all citizens over the age of 16 are likely to be eligible to apply for the vaccine following registration for people between 40 and 45 years.

At the end of December, vaccination against covid-19 began. Since then, health practitioners have provided over 4.4 million doses. Approximately 1.14 million people are vaccinated. People over the age of 80 have been the first in the country to register for the vaccination program, followed by healthcare workers, school workers, or patients with chronic disease, and other age groups.