President’s spokesperson was transferred drunk at the hospital


Prague paramedics and police responded to a call for a drunken man in Dělnická Street in Prague’s Holešovice district just after 3 a.m. on Friday. It was proven that he was the spokesman for President Zeman, Jiří Ovčáček. The police measured his blood-alcohol level at approximately 2%, and he was transferred immediately to the Central Military Hospital. 

“Police officers went to Dělnická Street in Prague’s Holešovice, where a man, born in 1979, was refusing to leave a taxi. Officers found the man under the influence of alcohol and called emergency services to the scene, who transported him to the hospital for treatment,” Prague police representative Richard Hrdina stated. The presidential spokesman spent the night in the hospital just before the president appointed the government of Petr Fiala at the Castle, on Friday morning.

“I saw him lying in the street, I wanted to help him, he told me to drive him to Dělnická, and then I couldn’t move him out of the vehicle,” the taxi driver who drove Ovčáček described his condition. In the end, he had to call the police because Ovčáček fell asleep in the car and refused to get out when the ride finished. 

“He was drunk, very drunk. They had to push him to get him out of the car, “the taxi driver commented. But the tip of the iceberg is that the presidential spokesman still owes him the CZK 350 for the ride.

On Saturday, the presidential spokesman, Jiří Ovčáček apologized for his behavior.

“I apologize to the taxi driver, the paramedics, and the police, I am sorry, I am really ashamed. I also thank you all for your patience in a situation in which I have disappointed many people. I will not make excuses, just promise that such an incident will never happen again, and I would like to ask everyone for forgiveness.” Ovčáček stated. He also asked for the contact details of the taxi driver who was involved in the incident.