Rainy Christmas and cold January are around the corner

After the Christmas thaw, colder weather will return to the Czech Republic before mid-January, the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute says in its monthly outlook. At night, it should be rather frosty throughout the next four weeks.

Temperatures will be above average from 19 to December 25. It should gradually warm up from Wednesday, and daytime temperatures will reach 10 °C.

On Christmas Eve, it could even be more than 10 degrees Celsius. Over the holiday period, the rain will fall over most of the area, with mixed or snowy precipitation in the mountains. Meteorologists say it should not freeze at night this week. The lowest nighttime temperatures are expected first to be nine to five degrees.

The week of December 26 to January 2 would slowly cool down. It will be cloudy to overcast, with snow showers in some places and occasional rain. Morning temperatures will be 2 to -6 °C. Daytime highs will be between -3 and 6 °C. This week should also see heavy rainfall.

From the 2nd to the 8th of January, nighttime temperatures should range from -8°C to 1°C, with daytime temperatures hovering around -3°C. Rainfall should be rather average.

Meteorologists predict a more significant cooling in the last week of January, from January 9 to January 15. Nighttime temperatures should fall from -12 °C to -2 °C, while daytime temperatures should be in the range of -5 °C to 3 °C.