Russian Animals Will Not Receive Food From the Czech Republic

The Russians have banned the import of Czech animal feed, and domestic enterprises are already calculating the number of losses.

Russian feed manufactured in the Czech Republic will no longer be purchased. The import of feed and feed additives from the Czech Republic has been restricted by the Russian Federal Veterinary and Phytosanitary Service Rosselchoznadzor.

The Russian office stated that the imports will be temporarily restricted beginning June 21. “The office made this decision on the basis of unsatisfactory results of an inspection of Czech companies that are authorized to supply feed and additives to Russia,” stated Rosselchoznadzor.

As a result, the Russian office’s decision is likely to have an impact on Czech feed suppliers. “Of course, as large exporters, it has an influence on us. We predicted this would happen, and it did, thus we will not be driving starting Monday, ” Vafo Prague’s owner and creator, Pavel Bouka, says