SPOLU won the elections

The elections to the Chamber of Deputies were won by the SPOLU coalition (ODS, TOP 09, KDU-ČSL), which overtook the ANO movement of current Prime Minister Andrej Babiš. The Pirates and STAN came third. ČSSD and KSČM will not sit in the lower house.

ANO was the clear favourite from the beginning of the count, but it was eventually beaten by SPOLU.

The coalition of Pirates and STAN came third. Voters, however, ringed STAN, and they will take the vast majority of the seats the coalition won.

Both groups, i.e., Together and the Pirates and STAN, will nevertheless have a majority in the lower chamber. They are thus expected to form a government together. Tomio Okamura’s SPD movement will also sit in the lower house.

ČSSD chief Jan Hamáček has already announced that he will quit the party leadership because of the debacle. A change is also expected in the leadership of the KSČM