Tesco’s Mysterious Persil Laundry Gel Sale

Tesco has come under fire for selling Persil laundry gel at a suspiciously low price. Customers noticed that the price was not much lower than the standard one and was even cheaper than in other stores. Some people speculate that it is a printing error.

In May, the package with 110 doses was sold for CZK 1,199. However, a few days later, the price dropped to CZK 699. Discounts were also available for gels of other brands and with different quantities of doses.

Similar discounts were also available in other stores. A package of 44 doses of Persil was available in Albert for CZK 299, while in Tesco, it was for CZK 399.90.

Opinions have been posted on Facebook that this price is too low to be true. Some people believe it is a printing error. Tesco spokesperson Michal Kuzmiak stated that they are trying to find other ways for customers to save money but did not explain why the price of Persil dropped so dramatically.

If it is not a printing error, customers may consider Tesco’s prices too high, as the standard gel price is around CZK 729. Many of them also complain that Persil is much cheaper in other stores.

What do you think of Tesco’s mysterious Persil sale? Let us know in the comments below.