The Graduation Test Failure Rate Was 11.2 Percent in Czechia, the Lowest Since 2013

In May, the failure rate for state graduation tests was lower than in previous years. Students taking the exams for the first time failed by approximately 11.2 percent. The figure was 6.3 percent higher last year. The last time the test failure rate was lower than this year was in 2013, when it was only 10.5%. 

Due to the Covid-19 measures, failure rates have been reduced dramatically this year, particularly in the health profession, where the tests have been made voluntary. This is according to Cermat’s analysis of the results, which was published on its website today. According to the report, the failure rate of first-year students to take the tests increased by 1.8 percent, compared to 3.4 percent last year.

According to Cermat, 7,708 of the 68,613 first-time graduates who took the exam failed. Around 2.7 percent of students failed only the Czech language, while 6.5 percent failed either mathematics or a foreign language. Only 2% of individuals who took both tests failed.