The oil from Lidl contains the drug

The News 24

The supermarket chain Lidl is immediately withdrawing the organic hemp oil “Vita D’or” from the sale. It contains excessive amounts of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). The company announced this on social media. Many customers were amused by the post, and some even offered to buy the remaining stock.

“Elevated levels of the THC have been detected in the Vita D’or Bio cold-pressed hemp oil of 250 milliliters,” the company said in a Facebook post.

It also warned of possible side effects. “Adverse health effects such as mood swings and fatigue may occur after ingesting this food. For this reason, we ask all customers to take note of this important warning and not to continue consuming the food mentioned above, “Lidl informed, adding that if you have already purchased the oil, you can easily return it to any of the chain’s stores.

“Of course, your money will be refunded even without presenting a receipt,” they added.

THC in food is also a problem in Germany

Similar problems have also been reported in neighboring Germany. There, police even intervened in one of the sales. Companies then withdrew hemp biscuits, protein bars, and teas from the sale.

“This concerns hemp biscuits of selected varieties sold under the name Mary & Juana and hemp tea Tea of Mind. Consumers would also not be required to consume the Raw Cannabis Protein Bar Apple. All of the foods are produced by the Czech manufacturer Euphoria Trade, “the Tagesshau website reported.