The Pirates party will join the Czech government officially

Jan Handrejch, Právo

Politicians from the SPOLU and PirSTAN coalitions welcomed the Pirates’ decision to join the government. 82.1% of Pirates expressed support for the proposal, with 888 of the 1,082 voters in favor.

“I see the decision to join the government as a significant commitment to giving our best for the nation. It is also a commitment for the members of the Pirate Party towards the voters who gave us their trust in the elections. Of course, we will defend not only their interests, but the interests of all citizens of this country, “said Pirate Party chief Ivan Bartoš after the poll ended.

The Pirates were the last parties in the five-party coalition that had not yet signed the agreement. It had already been backed by the broader leadership of the Mayors, the Civic Democrats, TOP 09, and the People’s Party.

“I believe that people voted for us so that we could defeat Andrej Babiš and end the government chaos together. I am glad that the majority of Pirates do not want to throw it away. We must not let the people of this country down, ” Vít Rakušan, leader of the STAN, tweeted shortly after the results were announced on Monday.

The decision of Pirates to join the government was also welcomed by ODS leader and future Prime Minister Petr Fiala. “I believe that the government of the SPOLU and PirSTAN coalitions will be able to lead the country through a difficult period. We have a lot of work ahead of us, “he wrote on social media.

“I am glad that the Pirates’ participation in the government has been officially confirmed.” They will enrich our government team, which has the most difficult challenges to overcome since establishing the independent Czech Republic. We are facing a pandemic, an economic, and an energy crisis. Still, we are ready to cope with it, and I believe that together we will manage it, “wrote Marian Jurečka, the head of the People’s Party.

“I am pleased with the Pirate Party’s decision. Despite partial disagreements, they are democratic partners for me, and I am glad that they will participate directly in the country’s governance. We are one step closer to the change that the Czech citizens have chosen and the country desperately needs,” wrote the head of TOP 09, Markéta Pekarová Adamová.

Martin Kupka, an ODS MP, described the result as unambiguous. “This is a reasonable result and a clear message to the public that an agreement on a coalition government is possible,” he noted.